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你在招聘吗? 正确的 人?

在他的书中 从优秀到卓越, 吉姆·柯林斯写道, “Those who build great organizations understand that the ultimate throttle on growth for any great organization is not markets, 或技术, 或竞争, 或产品. It is one thing above all others: the ability to get and keep enough of the right people.”

Before you begin interviewing for your next job opening, ask yourself the following four questions:

1. 我们想雇佣什么样的人?

Think through this question before you actually start the recruiting process to gain better insight into the type of person you’re looking for to fill your open position. 一旦你心中有了理想的候选人, you’ll have better understanding what you need to do to go out and find this individual.

考虑一下你现在的明星员工. 什么 specific competencies do they demonstrate that you want to duplicate? 然后, take at the job description that has already been drawn up for the open position and reshape it to include the competencies you’d like to duplicate.

另外, think about the personal characteristics that are needed to perform the job functions well? 你在找外向的人吗? 一个对细节有敏锐眼光的人? 有团队合作经验? There are several tools available today that can provide you with reliable information about a candidate’s natural personal characteristics, which will help you determine if they truly are the right fit for your company.

读也: 钓到大鱼

2. 什么 questions can we ask the candidate to learn the most about him or her?

你会花时间事先准备问题吗? Questions are essential tools of the interview process and should be strategically designed to help you gather as much information as possible from the applicant in order to help you make an informed decision. The following are examples of different kinds of questions that can be asked during the interview process.



Closed-ended questions such as, “Can you start Monday?在面试中是很合适的. However, open-ended questions clearly solicit more information.

Have several open-ended questions prepped and ready to go. You want your applicants to feel comfortable, so be sure not to rush into the Q&一个过程. Maybe start with a few easy, close-ended questions to get the conversation started. 然后 encourage them to talk openly about themselves with a few open-ended questions. Their answers will give you a good indication of their overall strengths and weaknesses.



Past performance questions are important and you’ll have great success with this question if you are able to link the applicant’s performance stories with your identified competencies. Try to determine how the applicant responds under pressure and identify how he or she has performed in the past. This information will be instrumental in your decision-making process.

Be flexible in your questioning techniques and use a variety of question types. 例如, you might consider asking questions that help you determine how the applicant would act in different workplace situations.


“Give an example of something you are NOT so proud of.”

Negative-balance questions can help you paint a more complete picture of the applicant and can help you decide whether you’d like to pursue a candidate further.


“谁? 什么? 当? 在哪里? 为什么?”

Question layering is another good technique to help you determine if a person is the right candidate for the job. Play the role of beat reporter and work to peel an onion by answering basic interview questions.


Finally, mirror statements can tell you a lot about the person you are interviewing. 要做到这一点, simply paraphrase a key statement your interviewee made, 然后听听他们的反应.

听...... 集93人力资源101:招聘 & Retaining Top Talent,” on 意图’s award-winning weekly 播客, 不适合在意图电台播放,由德西蕾·里昂(Desiree Lyon)主演.

3. 什么 interviewing styles should we include in our interviewing plan?

Four different interviewing styles should be included in your bag of tricks. Feel free to use one, two or even all four over the course of your interview.


The situational interviewer believes that the closer you can get to a real work situation, 评估就会越好. 让应聘者完成工作的某些方面. 给他们一个机会向你展示他们的能力.


性格侧写师要求提供描述符. “什么 would your co-workers identify as your strengths and weakness?或者“给我三个词来形容你自己。.”


The stress interviewer puts the candidate on the spot to determine how they would react under a stress. 例如, 他们可能会这样说, “我们不确定你是否适合这份工作,” and will proceed to observe how their demeanor and communication style changes.


The behavioral interviewer bases questions on past performance and asks for specific examples of past work accomplishments.

Involving others in the hiring selection will help ensure that you are hiring the right person.

4. 我们怎样才能增加成功录用的机会?

The best way to increase your chances of a successful hire is to get a second opinion. Involving others in the hiring selection will help ensure that you are hiring the right person.

It’s also important that you take notes during each interview and remember to complete your notes immediately after each interview. These notes will become the tools you’ll use during the comparison phase as you are preparing to select your final candidate(s).

电子邮件的意图 & 比较靠谱的赌博软件 to learn more about recruiting and retention strategy, human resources management and more.

by 蕾妮·西SHRM-SCP, PHR(新费城办事处)

寻找更多招聘和保留技巧? 看看这些其他资源:



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